Celebration of Black History Month

Dear Union Community:

With a 52-year legacy and commitment to social justice, social responsibility, and community connectedness, Union Institute & University is fully engaged in our effort to fulfill our mission of engaging, enlightening, and empowering generations of students to transform “lives and communities.” That mission does not refer to “some students”; it refers to ALL students in an inclusive, supportive educational environment focusing on developing the individual human intellect and spirit to its fullest potential. In today’s society, that commitment and focus is even more important than it has been in the past.

As a nation, participating in our global society, we appear to be more divided by religious, political, racial, social, economic, and cultural differences than ever. Perhaps these differences were exacerbated during the last divisive political campaign. Yet, at Union, we strive every day to be respectful of differences in our community; we celebrate intellectual curiosity and differing opinions; we encourage debate, and we welcome efforts to resolve disputes in productive ways that preserve and honor the integrity of each person. At the end of the day, we celebrate and encourage the creative lives of each person involved in our community.

It is that respectful commitment to the individual integrity of each person that leads Union to proudly join others around the country in both recognizing and celebrating Black History Month and the significant contributions made to our society and our world by African-Americans and others.
I hope you find hope and inspiration from our recognition of our community of scholars. Please join Union in celebrating the very best of the human spirit by focusing on building lasting relationships among ALL based on love, respect, and hope for our collective futures.

Roger H. Sublett, Ph.D.
President Learn more about Union’s unique MLK Specialization
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