2018 Toni A. Gregory Conference Award Winners Announced

Dr. Toni Gregory

The Toni A. Gregory Conference Award for Interdisciplinary Scholarship is awarded annually to UI&U Ph.D. students whose presentations make notable contributions to the interdisciplinary inquiry in the broadly defined areas of creativity, difference, and/or social justice.

This year the following three presenters are the recipients and will share the $1,000 stipend that accompanies the honor.

  • Marena Bridges for “The 7th Generation Vision and the Importance of Imagination in Social Movements”
  • Elizabeth DeBetta for “Me, She, They: Our Bodies Are Not the Problem”
  • Jonina Stump for “Puerto Rican Dualism”

The award is generously funded by Rev. Everett Gregory, Ph.D. in honor of his late wife, Dr. Toni A. Gregory, who devoted her distinguished academic and administrative career at Union Institute & University, Fielding Graduate University, the California Institute of Integral Studies, Morehouse College, Spelman College, and the University of Cincinnati to the promotion of excellence in scholarship.

Past Award Recipients


  • Marena Bridges, “The 7th Generation Vision and the Importance of Imagination in Social Movements.”
  • Elizabeth DeBetta, “Me, She, They: Our Bodies Are Not the Problem.”
  • Jonina Stump, “Puerto Rican Dualism.”


  • Mathew Grinder, “The Human Cry to End War.”
  • Guyma Noel, “Dominican Republic’s Market Dominance over the Haitian Market: Revisiting the Dependency Thesis.”
  • Paula D. Royster, “Speech Making in the British House of Commons: A Critical Discourse Analysis.”


  • Lawrence Karn, “Popular Depictions of Love, Gender, and Identity: An Analysis of Reflections in the Carousel of Desire from a Lacanian Perspective.”
  • Randi Renee McCray, “Degradation, Devaluation and Sexual Regulation of TANF Recipients: A Critical Analysis of State Regulations and Welfare to Work Policies”
  • Joanne J. Noel, “Resistance to Pathology and Powerlessness in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand.”

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