Union’s Largest Undergraduate Program Propels CJM Careers

[vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″]Union Institute & University is celebrating the announcement of two of its own who have been named Chief of Police and Assistant Chief of Police.[/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner]
Congratulations to Chris O’Brien (2010 graduate) the new Chief of Police of the Hollywood Police Department, and Paul Cooper (1997 graduate) Assistant Chief of Police University of California Irvine. These two alumni join the over 20 UI&U graduates who serve as Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs and the over *6,300 law enforcement officers nationwide that hold a Criminal Justice Management degree from Union.

“The Florida Academic Center is located in Hollywood so it is very gratifying to see how the Union CJM degree helped Chief O’Brien climb the career ladder to Chief of Police,” said Paul Brugman, UI&U Criminal Justice Management Program Chair. “We are very proud of the CJM program and its influence in propelling law enforcement careers.”

The Criminal Justice Management (CJM) program at Union is the choice of law enforcement professionals nationwide because it was developed by and for law enforcement professionals.

“Not only was Union’s CJM program developed by law enforcement professionals the classes are taught by law enforcement professionals who understand the real-world issues faced in the field,” said Brugman.

Union understands the demands of the working adult. The CJM program offers a flexible, online delivery model that allows the law enforcement professional to work full-time. The program also connects the student to site coordinators who provide personal attention not available at other universities.

“Union recognizes the fieldwork of the CJM student and transfers up to 60 credits from Basic POST/FDLE training, alongside additional credits outside the academy.” said Brugman.

The CJM degree prepares graduates to enter the Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) program to further leadership skills. “The MSOL is a natural option provided by Union to hone leadership skills,” said Brugman. “The program is designed to provide solutions to complex issues faced by today’s professional.”

CJM and MSOL alumna Elena Moton credits her degrees from Union for her career trajectory.

“I was a sergeant when I started at Union and now I am a lieutenant. My study habits from Union helped me to study for the lieutenant exam. Going to college is an enlightening experience. The process requires you to open your eyes, to think and analyze. I am now aspiring to be a captain and an assistant chief. As a police officer who works in the community, I find that people expect you to have a college degree. A college degree opens doors.”

CJM alumnus Orrlando Mayes, and recipient of the 2017 Mark Dunakin Memorial Award for Extraordinary Achievement says this about his degree.

“Law enforcement has always been my calling. A degree in my chosen career will open opportunities that may not have been available without my degree. Union’s criminal justice management program is the right fit for me because of the flexibility of the schedule.”

Union recognizes that many law enforcement professionals are Veterans. The University developed the Union in Veterans program to assist the returning soldier by providing scholarships and a living stipend for the veteran to complete his or her degree.

Union is recognized as a Military Friendly School and is one of only eight schools that form the Fraternal Order of Police University.

(*Undergraduate bachelor’s degree alumni with various majors or concentration studies in the area of criminal justice.)

If you have always dreamed of a career in law enforcement, today is the day to start that dream with a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice Management. Click below.

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