Black History month Faculty spotlight | Tangela Boyd

Black History Month is celebrated every February as a time to commemorate and acknowledge the Black Americans who played a critical role in the founding and shaping of the United States.

Union Institute & University is participating in the celebration by spotlighting members of our faculty and staff.

Faculty spotlight | Dr. Tangela Boyd

Tell us about your role at Union.
I am an Affiliated Faculty member in the Maternal Child Health: Human Lactation program. I also recently received my doctorate from Union.

Tell us about a moment in Black History that influenced or shaped your career/life.
During the Great Migration period, my great-great-grandparents migrated to the north from the south.

What does Black History Month mean to you?
Black Culture. Black Excellence. Black History. Black Pride.

Is there a Black leader, past or present, who inspires you?
I am inspired by Michelle Obama. Michelle displays excellent leadership skills and serves as an icon for women of color. She expresses her passion for helping others through writing books and engaging in communities.

What advice do you have for people looking to start their careers or become a leader?
The advice that I would give to people looking to start their careers or become a leader would be to just do it. Start where you are and don’t allow fear to disrupt the journey. Don’t be scared to reach out to others for help and support. We get to where we want to be in life by helping others and allowing others to help us.

What is your favorite mantra?
Perseverance, not perfection is the key to success.
