Administrative Professionals Day Spotlight – Renee Cave

Renee Cave

Each month, faculty and staff are recognized for their enormous contribution to Union. In the words of President Sublett, “Only people make a difference in an organization and only people are important in our lives.”

Today, April 25, is Administrative Professionals Day and we are shining the spotlight on Renee Cave. Renee is the face and voice of the Cincinnati Academic Center in her role as receptionist and multi-tasker. She provides exceptional customer service and always puts the customer first. In addition, Renee is knowledgeable and passionate about Union and always has a smile and warm greeting for everyone she meets.

Learn more about Renee, who has been with Union since 2011, in the Q&A below.

Q. What excites you about being a part of higher education?

A. Seeing adults overcome the challenges of balancing work, family and education.

Q. What attracted you to become a part of the Union family?

A. I want to be a part of an organization where good customer service is important and appreciated.

Q. If you could have any job in the whole world, what would it be?

A. One that involves traveling the world! I’ve been a travel consultant, airline employee and a published travel writer.

Q. What surprises people about you?

A. How I balance tending to work, a teenager, my 90-year-old mother, four grandchildren, with another on the way! I’ve also held the same volunteer position at my church for over 14 years.

Q. What is your favorite book, and why?

A. I enjoy interpreting the Bible for guidance and wisdom in all areas of life.

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