Father of Five values Union’s Social Justice Mission

Kongpheng Yang

Kongpheng Yang Associate Director of Financial Services

Each month, faculty and staff are recognized for their enormous contribution to Union. This month the spotlight is on Kongpheng Yang, MAFM, Director of Enrollment, Sacramento Academic Center and a current student in the Ph.D. degree program.

Q: What excites you about being a part of higher education?
A: Being a part of higher education provides me with the opportunity to be a part of the student’s growth process. Also, knowing that once they do apply their education as one of the avenues to uplift their own life, and that their education will ultimately have a ripple effect in generational change around them as well.

Q: What attracted you to become a part of the Union family?
A: Union’s Social Justice value really caught my attention. I too, believe that we all are interdependent and have a responsibility to one another.

Q:  If you could have any job in the whole world, what would it be?
A: I would love to run my own college/university to assist with the economically disadvantaged and underserved groups.

Q: What surprises people about you?
A: I have five children.

Q: What is your favorite book, and why?
A: “Leadership and Self-Deception” is one book that assists with seeing beyond just one’s perspective.

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