Union Institute & University President Roger H. Sublett, Ph.D. elected to President’s Forum Board of Directors

Dr. Roger H. Sublett, president of Union Institute & University, has been named to the President’s Forum Board of Directors. The Presidents’ Forum, established in 2004, is a collaboration of accredited, national, adult-serving institutions and programs which have embraced the power and potential of online education. The mission of the Presidents’ Forum is to advance the recognition of innovative practice and excellence in online learning.

Dr. Sublett joins other college presidents, including Dr. Robert W. Mendenhall, Western Governors University; Dr. Wallace E. Boston, American Public University System; Dr. Chris Bustamante, Rio Salado College; Dr. John F. Ebersole, Excelsior College; and Edward Klonoski, Charter Oak State College, on the Presidents’ Forum Board of Directors.

Dr. Sublett is a nationally known leader with a passion for history, an innovator and change agent in higher education, and an example of Union Institute & University’s mission to transform lives and communities.

2014 is a very special year for Union Institute & University! We are celebrating our 50-year anniversary. It also marks Dr. Sublett’s 11th year as president of the university.

Dr. Sublett recently completed a three-year term as chair of the Commission on Lifelong Learning at the American Council on Education (ACE). Dr. Sublett serves on several boards, including Hospice of Cincinnati and the International Leadership Association. He was a senior fellow in the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland, as well as a senior scholar at the Center for Ethical Leadership, Seattle, Washington. In the past, he has served as executive vice president for the Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE) and as president of the Coalition for Adult Education Organizations (CAEO). Prior to his presidency at Union, Dr. Sublett served with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, overseeing the Kellogg National Leadership program. Dr. Sublett is also a frequent speaker, convener, and advocate in areas of adult and continuing education and leadership.

About Union Institute & University

The year 2014 marks a milestone in the history of Union Institute & University. The university is celebrating its 50th year of educating adults who seek academic programs that transform lives and communities. The university is a private, nonprofit, accredited university specializing in adult and distance education since 1964. Union strives to engage, enlighten, and empower students in a lifetime of learning and service. Flexible online classes, brief residencies, classroom experiences, and hybrid models of instruction lead to undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Union graduates, including more than a dozen college presidents, leaders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, members of the United States Congress, and the first female prime minister of Jamaica, promote Union’s legacy of utilizing education to transform lives and communities.

For more information about Union Institute & University, visit myunion.edu or call 888-828-8575.
