Black History Month spotlight on Union Ph.D. student working to bridge the gap in African American congregations

Pastor Devin E. West

Ph.D. student and Pastor Devin E. West seeks to bridge the gap of racial divide that continues to hinder and hurt churches, especially African American congregations, leaving them bereft of change.

In this podcast, Getting to Know the Millennial and Gen Z in the Church and What They Want, he and his guest Dacari J. Middlebrooks discuss how they were raised in predominantly African American Protestant churches – what they were told to do as well as what they were not told. Among other things, they will also talk about how Millennials/Gen Z stay connected to the church and how the new normal with virtual worship can be a positive and creative voice for the church.

Pastor West currently serves as the pastor at Pilgrim Baptist Church in Hamilton, OH. He has earned a B.A. in Pastoral Counseling and a Master of Divinity (M.Div.). He is currently pursuing his doctorate at Union Institute & University with a major in Ethical & Creative Leadership and a focus on transforming leadership.

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