What Does Your Personality Say About You?

What Does Your Personality Say About You? Find out by using the Enneagram assessment tool, an online course offered through the Union Institute & University’s Continuing Education program in partnership with Enneagram.com.

Taught by renowned authors and psychologists Helen Palmer and Marlene Cresci-Cohen, the tool is described this way. “With a history of centuries, the Enneagram is arguably the oldest human development system on the planet. During the past decade, the system has undergone a renewal of scholarly attention within the context of current personality typologies. The result is a reliable integration of psychological insight about human differences, set alongside a non-sectarian body of spiritual practice that relaxes inner resistance while encouraging inner receptivity.

The word enneagram means a graph of nine. Each of the nine Enneagram personality profiles has a distinct, well-developed coping strategy for relating to self, others and the environment. In addition, each of the nine types has its own precise path to psychological and spiritual freedom, the key being compassionate and guided self-observation.”

[vc_row_inner class=”enneagramlist”][vc_column_inner column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/2″]

1 The Perfectionist

2 The Giver

3 The Performer

4 The Tragic Romantic

5 The Observer

[/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/2″]6 The Loyal Skeptic

7 The Epicure

8 The Protector

9 The Mediator[/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner]In the Q&A below, Kath Gilliam, Managing Partner of Helen Palmer, Inc. www.enneagram.com, provides in-depth answers on how the Enneagram improves relationships.

Q. Why do you recommend this course?

A. The reason I recommend this e-course is that the Enneagram, more than any other personality typology system, goes beyond surface categorizations of behavior all the way into our individual “inner dynamics.” So what is meant by “inner dynamics”? Simply defined, it means how we are to ourselves, including our habitual focus of attention, our emotional and psychological reactivity patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, especially under stress, and the view screen by which we experience our particular sector of the world. Put more succinctly, the nine types that comprise the Enneagram system allow ourselves to be understood by others as we are to ourselves, not as they think we are, but as we actually are to ourselves. Correctly identifying our typology, and then learning the content of that typology informs our relationships with ourselves and others in the most profound and life transforming ways. Helen Palmer, as the world’s leading expert on the Enneagram provides all such knowledge in the most user-friendly e-course. Team-taught with Marlene Creci-Cohen, PhD., students will not only discover their individual type, but will be properly oriented/educated as to the most effective and compassionate use of this unique information for the benefit of all they interact with, including a much healthier self-regard. Family and work relationships will improve as a result.

Q. What is the goal of the ecourse?

A. The goal of the Enneagram course is to accurately and compassionately present the nine-pointed Enneagram system to students keen on improving their interpersonal skills and self-knowledge both in love and work.

Q. What do you want people to know about this course that they may not know?

A. More than theory, the Enneagram course offers the student immediate access to and application of the information offered. It does so by allowing the student to recognize their type in ways that are verified by their lived experience. Perhaps most important, the student will learn that improvement of any relationship is an “inside job. In other words, the way to improve any relationship is by working on yourself and not the “other”. The Enneagram, more than any other typology, equips the person to do just that by offering customized skills and insights to guide self-development. In short, this course could be a life-changing experience for anyone interested in living a fuller, more meaningful life, including improved relationships.

Union Institute & University is co-sponsor of this training in partnership with Enneagram.com.

Donna Gruber, Dean, Professional Studies and Continuing Education, noted, “UI&U is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The course is ideal for psychologists, counselors and others in the counseling fields that need continuing education credits. To date over 160 students have earned continuing education credits through this partnership.”

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