Women Are the Hope of the World

Sharon G. Mijares
Sharon G. Mijares believes women are the hope of the world. The 1995 Union Ph.D. graduate, psychologist, and psychotherapist is committed to awakening women to personal transformation. “One-half of the world’s human population, namely women, have been relegated to inferior positions for thousands of years. It is time for women’s leadership to chart a new course,” Mijares writes in her latest book The Power of the Feminine: Facing Shadow Evoking Light. “It is also time to listen to Indigenous peoples’ wisdom, so we learn ways for creating a living relationship with our natural environment. We can find ways of living in harmony with all life and we don’t have a choice if we want to survive.”
Mijares hopes to educate readers into exploring what is needed to make room for women to lead the way. Written with colleagues Aliaa Rafea, Dhardon Sharling, Joshua Amponsem, and Mary Mallory, the book focuses on diversity from a variety of perspectives and different cultural and religious backgrounds.
“We invite readers to adapt to these subtle changes in tone and to participate in our expression of diversity. In co-authoring this volume, we integrated each of our individual beliefs, research and experience. As feminists, we realized our knowledge and caring would not allow us to stand aside and witness human destruction on such massive scales.”
Mijares is a sought after speaker around the globe. She has been a visiting professor at the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica, is an Associate Professor for National University, and is core faculty at California Institute for Human Science and Brandman University.
She is an example of the Women’s History Month 2022 theme, “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.”
“Women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history. I empower women to see the change they can be,” Mijares said. “Women have inherent relational qualities. The ability to use these skills to influence change is innumerable. We need to empower women to embrace their capacity to the relationship.”
Mijares has authored seven/edited books specifically focusing on psychospiritual development, women’s empowerment, breath, and a deeper look at our human relationship from a global perspective. Her primary focus is one of balancing power and beauty in order to create a healthier world. The connection with Mother Earth and openness to indigenous and psychospiritual healing practices as well as mystical teachings empower her efforts.
“I urge us to recognize the common humanity of all peoples, irrespective of faith, color, sexual or gender differences. Gender balance is needed to emphasize the feminine archetype in both women and men. We need to all work together to save our environment and create a healthier world for all as no one gender, sex, culture, religion, or nation can do it alone.”
To learn more about Dr. Mijares and her influential work, visit psychospiritual.org.
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